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Buy November Shower Plant - Cassia multijuga or Senna multijuga for Sale Online

Common name:
November Shower
Trees, Shrubs
Leguminosae or Fabaceae or Pea family
Sun growing, Semi shade
Normal, Can tolerate more
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
September, October, November
Flower or Inflorescence color:
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
2 to 4 meters
Plant Spread or Width:
2 to 4 meters
Plant Form:
Irregular, Spreading
Special Character:
  • Good for making bonsai
  • Good for screening
  • Attracts birds
  • Attracts butterflies
  • Attracts bees
  • Recommended for creating shade
  • Quick growing trees
  • Evergreen trees
  • Suitable for road median planting
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Old variety plants may be difficult to get

Plant Description:

- A small, quick growing, rather short lived, slender tree or a large shrub with thin branches which often sprout in spring from ground level.
- Leaves paripinnate, clustered near the end of branches up to 22 cm long, leaflets up to 50, 2 cm long, 6 mm wide.
- Flowers yellow 4 cm across, borne on large terminal panicles from september to november.

Growing tips:

- It is widely cultivated in tropical gardens at the back of the shrubbery, single or in group in small or large garden.
- Is hardy and will grow in most gardens.