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Buy Rare and Exotic Costus Speciosus Crepe Ginger Plant

Common name:
Crepe Ginger
Regional name:
Hindi - Kusht, Keokanda, Marathi – Vana Mohini, Koshi, Tamil - Kostam, Kottam, Malayalam – Anakua, Telugu – Kevukinna, Kannada – Changalakoshta, Sanskrit - Kushtha
Indoor Plants, Shrubs
Zingiberaceae or Ginger family
Sun growing, Semi shade, Shade growing
Normal, Can tolerate more
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Year-around flowering, Flowers in flushes throughout the year
Flower or Inflorescence color:
White, Red
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
2 to 4 meters
Plant Spread or Width:
2 to 4 meters
Plant Form:
Spreading, Upright or Erect
Special Character:
  • Indigenous (native to India)
  • Rare Plant or difficult to get plant
  • Good on seaside
  • Grows best in humid and warm regions
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Old variety plants may be difficult to get

Plant Description:

- Origin - India
- The contrast between the pure white fuffled flowers and the deep red bracts, and the broad dark foliage is exceptional.
- The spiral leaf arrangement too is interesting.
- Plants form dense attactive bushes.

Growing tips:

- Hardy plants in the ground as well as pots.
- Costus like warm and humid condition, moist soil and semi shade.
- The soils should have a good amount of organic matter in them.