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Stunning Hydrangea Macrophylla Plants in Vibrant Colors - Buy Now!

Common name:
Hydrangea, Mophead Hydrangea
Regional name:
Marathi, Hindi - Hydrangea, Manipuri: Thamapansapi Lei
Shrubs, Groundcovers, Indoor Plants
Sun growing, Semi shade
Normal, Can tolerate more
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
March, April, May, June, July, August, September
Flower or Inflorescence color:
Purple, Pink
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
50 cms to 100 cms
Plant Spread or Width:
50 cms to 100 cms
Plant Form:
Estimated Life Span:
Very long lived
Special Character:
  • Good for Hedges and Borders
  • Attracts butterflies
  • Attracts bees
  • Suitable for road median planting
  • Hanging or weeping growth habit
  • Grows best in cooler regions
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Over hundreds

Plant Description:

- What we recognize as hydrangea flowers are actually sepals. (like in ixoras, poinsettia, bougainvillea etc)
- The sepals are long lasting.
- The hydrangea is a very showy medium compact deciduous shrub.
- Flowers heads are very attractive.
- Flowers spread like a sheet all around the top and the sides and seem to smother the leaves.
- Very popular all over the world as a indoor as well as garden plant.
- The color of the flower indicates soil pH. Acidic soils make the color pink and alkaline soils make the color pink.

Growing tips:

- Hydrangeas can take full sunlight in mild climates. In areas with very hot and dry summers - it is advisable to protect them from harsh afternoon sunlight.
- Plants require good fertile, well drained soil with a lot of organic matter in it.
- Water regularly - expecially in summer.
- Can be grown in pots as well as ground