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Buy Pteris Cretica Crestata - A Stunning Foliage Plant for Your Garden

Common name:
Pteris Cretica Crestata
Ferns, Indoor Plants, Groundcovers
Polypodiaceae or Fern family
Semi shade, Shade growing
Normal, Can tolerate more
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Non Flowering
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
50 cms to 100 cms
Plant Spread or Width:
50 cms to 100 cms
Plant Form:
Spreading, Upright or Erect
Special Character:
  • Good for Cut foliage
  • Good for Edges ie very small hedge or border
  • Hanging or weeping growth habit
  • Good on seaside
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Less than a hundred

Plant Description:

- The name of the genus is from Greek meaning wing, alluding to the prevalence of pinnate form.
- A low growing variety with small, leathery fronds, cream white band in the centre of lincar lanceolate leaflets.
- A very pretty, useful, variegated form of low habit, with small, clean-cut, leathery fronds differing from the species only in the broad band of creamy whiteown the center of each linear lanceolate leaflet which are toothed and wavy margined , the fertile fronds are taller and more slender.

Growing tips:

- Pteris can be treated and grown as other ferns.
Requires humid conditions and porous media with a lot of organic matter. Well decomposed leaf mould is very good. Its growth slows down during the cooler winter months. In cases of very cold and dry winters it will go into dormancy. Will sprout back when the weather is favourable. Ideal plant for individual pot grown specimens. Temperature tolerance: 16 deg C to 36 deg C