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Turnera ulmifolia,West Indian Holly, Sage Rose, Yellow Alder, Yellow Buttercups, Sage Rose, Cuban Buttercup

Common name:
West Indian Holly, Sage Rose, Yellow Alder, Yellow Buttercups, Sage Rose, Cuban Buttercup
Regional name:
Marathi - Turnera
Sun growing, Semi shade
Normal, Can tolerate less, Can tolerate more
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Year-around flowering, Flowers in flushes throughout the year
Flower or Inflorescence color:
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
50 cms to 100 cms
Plant Spread or Width:
50 cms to 100 cms
Plant Form:
Spreading, Upright or Erect
Special Character:
  • Good for Hedges and Borders
  • Suitable for road median planting
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Over hundreds

Plant Description:

- The genus is named after William Turner.
- Native Brazil.
- A dwarf semi erect shrub.
- Growing up to 60 cm high.
- Leaves 57 cm long.
- Flowers funnel shaped sulphur yellow.

Growing tips:

- Suitable for growing in shrubbery and rock garden.
- It thrives well in porous soil and both in sun & semi shade.
- Hard trimming once a year will keep it in shape.