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Stunning Zamia Fischeri Fern Plant - Perfect for Your Home or Garden

Common name:
Fern Zamia
Palms and Cycads,  Indoor Plants
Cycadaceae Cycad family
Sun growing, Semi shade
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Flowers once in many years
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
1 to 2 meters
Plant Spread or Width:
1 to 2 meters
Plant Form:
Special Character:
  • Rare Plant or difficult to get plant

Plant Description:

- Native - Mexico.
- Small spindle-shaped trunk, bearing several fern-like pinnate fronds 30 to 45 cm long, with thin leathery lanceolate leaflets shiny grass - green, serrate along margins, male cone 4 to 8 cm long, female shorter.

Growing tips:

- Plants like a well draining potting mixture.
- They can be grown in small pots as well as very large containers.
- Can take low light conditions well. They may not grow much under such conditions - but they will not deteriorate either.
- Can be planted as a no trim hedge in the ground or in beds.
- Can tolerate sunlight in high humidity coastal areas.
- Will get scorched on hot dry sun.
- Responds well to fertilizer application.