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Sturdy and Low Maintenance Cast Iron Plants | Aspidistra elatior and A. lurida for Sale

Common name:
Cast Iron Plant
Indoor Plants, Groundcovers, Shrubs
Liliaceae or Lily family
Semi shade, Shade growing, Low light tolerant
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Flowers are inconspicuous
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
50 cms to 100 cms
Plant Spread or Width:
50 cms to 100 cms
Plant Form:
Special Character:
  • Good for Cut foliage
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Less than a hundred

Plant Description:

- Aspidistra elatior was a commonly used house plant. It still gives all the new introductions a run for their money.
- Cut leaves are used in decoration in flower arrangements and bouquets.
- Plants have a ginger like rhizome, they are thick-rooted.
- Plants are compact and have long leathery leaves. These can be cleaned to a metallic shine.
- Bell shaped purple flowers.
- Leaves are 30 to 60 cms long and 8 to 12 cms wide.
- With good care plants grow about 80 cms tall.

Growing tips:

- It is a hardy, shade loving plant.
- It with-stands not only heat but also cold, wet soil, drought, dust, neglect and dimly lit places.
- Given a choice it prefers high humidity and cool temperatures.
- Use a well drained standard potting mix.
- Keep constantly moist fertilize in spring and summer.
- For cut foliage plants need to be grown in high humidity areas for a substantial lead yield.