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Sesbania punicea, S tripetii, Daubentonia tripetii,Chines Rattlebox, Scarlet Wisteria, Red Sesbania, Coffee Weed, Rattle-pod, Sesban, Red Seine Bean

Common name:
Chines Rattlebox, Scarlet Wisteria, Red Sesbania, Coffee Weed, Rattle-pod, Sesban, Red Seine Bean
Shrubs, Trees
Leguminosae or Fabaceae or Pea family
Sun growing, Semi shade
Normal, Can tolerate more
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Year-around flowering, Flowers in flushes throughout the year
Flower or Inflorescence color:
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
2 to 4 meters
Plant Spread or Width:
2 to 4 meters
Plant Form:

    Plant Description:

    Sesbania punicea, also known as scarlet wisteria or red sesbania, is a species of flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae. It is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas, including Mexico, Central America, and parts of South America. The plant is a fast-growing perennial shrub or small tree that can reach a height of up to 20 feet. It has bright green, pinnately compound leaves and produces clusters of showy, bright red or orange pea-shaped flowers. The plant is often used as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical regions, and it is also used for reforestation, as well as a cover crop and green manure.

    Growing tips:

    Sesbania punicea is a fast-growing and hardy plant that is relatively easy to care for. Here are a few tips for growing and caring for Sesbania punicea:

    • Light: Sesbania punicea prefers full sun to partial shade.
    • Water: The plant prefers moist soil, but it can tolerate short periods of drought. Water regularly, especially during dry spells.
    • Soil: Sesbania punicea can grow in a variety of soil types, but it prefers well-drained, fertile soil.
    • Fertilizer: The plant can benefit from regular fertilization, especially during the growing season. Use a balanced fertilizer, such as 10-10-10, or a fertilizer specifically formulated for use with flowering plants.
    • Pruning: Prune the plant as needed to control its size and shape. Deadheading the spent flowers will also encourage reblooming.

    Sesbania punicea can be propagated from seed or cuttings. It can be propagated from seed. The seeds should be planted in a well-draining soil and kept moist. Germination can take up to three weeks, seedling should be planted out as soon as they are large enough to handle.

    In general Sesbania punicea is a hardy and easy to care for plant. It makes a great addition to any garden.


    Sesbania punicea, also known as scarlet wisteria or red sesbania, is a plant that has a number of benefits. Some of these benefits include:

    • Ornamental: The plant is often used as an ornamental in tropical and subtropical regions, due to its bright red or orange flowers, which are showy and attractive.

    • Reforestation: Due to its fast growth, Sesbania punicea can be used in reforestation efforts, as it can help to quickly establish vegetation in an area that has been deforested.

    • Green Manure: Sesbania punicea is considered to be an effective green manure crop. It can be used as a cover crop, planted in between other crops, to enrich the soil with organic matter.

    • Livestock Fodder: The plant is used as a source of food for livestock and also to improve soil fertility by returning the manure to soil.

    -Medicinal: Sesbania punicea also has some medicinal uses. The leaves and bark of the plant are known to have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. They have been used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, including fever, diarrhea, and skin infections.

    It's worth noting that it is not widely used in traditional medicine and research is needed to fully understand the medicinal properties and effectiveness of the plant.