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Buy the Rare Amruthapani Banana Tree PALAYANKODAN Variety - Add Exotic Flavor to Your Garden

Common name:


Regional name:
Marathi - Keli, Sanskrit - Kadali, Rambha, Hindi - Kela, Telugu - Arati, Tamil - Vazhai, Kannada- Bale-hannu, Bengali - Keli, Gujarati - Kela, Malayalam - Vazha
Fruit Plants
Musaceae or Banana family


Amruthapani Banana Tree is a unique and highly valued variety of the banana plant known for its multiple uses and health benefits. It has its origin in South Asia and is grown in various tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.


  1. Selection of site: Choose a well-draining, fertile area with direct sunlight exposure for at least 6-8 hours a day.
  2. Planting material: Use healthy suckers or tissue-cultured plants to ensure disease-free growth.
  3. Planting time: The best time to plant Amruthapani Banana Tree is during the rainy season or early spring.


  1. Spacing: Plant the banana trees at a distance of 7-8 feet apart to allow for adequate sunlight and air circulation.
  2. Watering: Provide regular watering, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.
  3. Fertilization: Apply a balanced fertilizer rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium at regular intervals throughout the growing season.


  1. Pruning: Remove dead leaves and spent pseudostems to encourage healthy growth.
  2. Weed control: Regularly remove weeds to prevent competition for nutrients and water.
  3. Pest and disease management: Monitor for pests such as nematodes, banana weevils, and spider mites. Implement proper sanitation and use organic pesticides when necessary.


  1. Maturity: Harvest Amruthapani bananas when they are fully developed and still green, typically 8-10 months after planting.
  2. Yield: A well-maintained Amruthapani Banana Tree can yield up to 30-40 kg of bananas per bunch.


  1. Nutritional: Amruthapani bananas are rich in vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber, offering numerous health benefits.
  2. Medicinal: The plant is known to have medicinal properties, including the ability to improve digestion, boost immunity, and reduce inflammation.
  3. Culinary: The fruit can be consumed in various forms, such as raw, cooked, or processed into flour, chips, and other products.
  4. Eco-friendly: The Amruthapani Banana Tree is beneficial for the environment by providing natural habitat for wildlife and reducing soil erosion.