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Buy Grape Ivy Ellen Danica (Cissus rhombifolia) - A Stunning Climbing Plant for Sale

Common name:
Grape Ivy, Grape Ivy Ellen Danica
Indoor Plants, Groundcovers
Vitaceae or Grape family
Low light tolerant
Primarily grown for:
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
2 to 4 meters
Plant Form:
Climbing or growing on support
Special Character:
  • Hanging or weeping growth habit

Plant Description:

-Nation Australia.
-Evergreen ground cover.
-Leaves are alternate and may be simple or palmately compound
-Grow as foliage plant and often used for hanging baskets, pedestal plants or trained as totems
-The oak shaped leaves of this plant makes it very different.
-Plant is ideal as a ground cover or for growing in raised beds.

Growing tips:

-Propagation from leaf bud cutting under intermittent mist
-Take moderate amounts of sun.
-Require warm climate.
-Any well drained soil.
-Allow to become almost dry, them water.
-Thoroughtly so that water drains out of the bottom of the pot.
-Low to high indoor light will grow these plants quite nicely.
-Protect from direct sun which may result in leaf scorch or burn.