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Buy Rare and Exotic Curculigo Capitulata (Ground Orchid) Plant Online Today!

Common name:
Curculigo, Ground Orchid
Indoor Plants, Groundcovers,

Family: Amarylidaceae or Agave or Amaryllis family

Sun growing, Semi shade, Shade growing
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Year-around flowering, Flowers in flushes throughout the year, Flowers are inconspicuous
Flower or Inflorescence color:
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
1 to 2 meters
Plant Spread or Width:
1 to 2 meters
Plant Form:
Special Character:
  • Good for Cut foliage
  • Good for Hedges and Borders
  • Good for Edges ie very small hedge or border
  • Suitable for road median planting
  • Hanging or weeping growth habit
  • Good on seaside
  • Grows best in humid and warm regions
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Old variety plants may be difficult to get

Plant Description:

- A long fergotten plant. You still see it in some old gardens.
- Looks very pretty if grown well.
- It is not a orchid - but called by that name.
- Tuberous rooted plants, height up to 1 - 1.5 m.
- Leaves 30 -60 cm long, 8-15 cm wind with channeled stalk, blade lanceolate, recurved, plaited.
- Flowers yellow, drooping, appearing almost on the ground.

Growing tips:

- Plants do best in semi shade.
- Good well drained rich soil is best. However they grow in a range of soils including poor soild.
- Do not let the plants dry out.