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Buy Pilea Muscosa Microphylla - The Miniature and Low Maintenance Houseplant

Common name:
Pilea Muscosa Small Leaves
Regional name:
Marathi - Chota Pilea

Category :Groundcovers 

Family: Urticaceae or Pilea family

Semi shade, Shade growing
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Flowers are inconspicuous
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
Less than 50 cms
Plant Spread or Width:
50 cms to 100 cms
Plant Form:
Low spreading
Special Character:
  • Hanging or weeping growth habit
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Less than a hundred

Plant Description:

- Native America.
- Plants have small 1.5 to 2 cms round leaves.
- Leaves have depressed veins.
- Grow just 5-10 cms tall.
- Ground hugging groundcover.
- Ideal for hanging baskets.

Growing tips:

- Bright light suits them best.
- A compost mixture of loam, leafmould and coarse sand in equal parts.
- Grow in small pots, raised bed beds or hanging baskets.
- Plants should not get water logged or caught in continous or very heavy rainfall. They can easily rot.