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Narrow Leaf Dracaena Plant (Pleomele reflexa angustifolia) - Buy Now

Common name:
Narrow Leaf Dracaena
Indoor Plants, Shrubs
Liliaceae or Lily family
Sun growing, Semi shade, Shade growing
Normal, Can tolerate more
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Flowers are inconspicuous
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
2 to 4 meters
Plant Spread or Width:
1 to 2 meters
Plant Form:
Irregular, Spreading, Upright or Erect
Special Character:
  • Good for Cut foliage
  • Good for screening
  • Good for Hedges and Borders
  • Hanging or weeping growth habit
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Less than a hundred, Old variety plants may be difficult to get

Plant Description:

- Origin – Malaya, Java
- Self-branching but more tree like, with long oblanceolate, very narrow, thin leathery, strap like leaves medium green, crowded around the slender stem and spreading.
- Old variety not commonly seen now a days.

Growing tips:

- Plants can take full sunlight in high humidity coastal areas and areas with a mild climate.
- Very hardy and easy to grow
- There are leaf shedding problems particularly at low temperature and dense shade.
- The growing medium should be light, rich in organic matter and well drained.
- Does not require too much water - but regular water keeps the leaf crown full and healthy.