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Sansevieria trifasciata hahnii,Mother In Laws Tongue, Hahns Sansevieria, Dwarf Snake Plant

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Please Note: Plant Variations May Occur Due to Natural Factors - Trust Kadiam Nursery for Reliable Quality.

Rs. 99.00
Common name:
Mother In Laws Tongue, Hahns Sansevieria, Dwarf Snake Plant
Cacti & Succulents, Shrubs, Groundcovers, Indoor Plants
Liliaceae or Lily family
Sun growing, Semi shade, Shade growing
Requires less
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
March, April, May, Flowers are inconspicuous
Flower or Inflorescence color:
Foliage color:
Variegated, Very dark green almost black, Green, Blue Grey or Silver
Plant Height or length:
Less than 50 cms
Plant Spread or Width:
Less than 50 cms
Plant Form:
Special Character:
  • Indigenous (native to India)
  • Good for Cut foliage
  • Good for Hedges and Borders
  • Suitable for road median planting
  • Good on seaside
  • NASA plant for Indoor pollution control
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Less than a hundred, Old variety plants may be difficult to get

Plant Description:

- Nation Tropical and south Africa, India
- The name is derived from that of duke raimondodi sangrio, prince of sanseveria
- Showy variety forming elliptical short leaves
- Greysh green with longitudinal bands of light grey.

Growing tips:

- The hardiest group of house plant.
- Very attractive and popular in pot or ground
- They prefer good light
- Ideal for rockeries also grow well in semi shade
- Sanseverias are some of the easiest plants to grow.
- The care that they require - is no care at all!
- Plants will perform well in well drained sandy soils.
- Water them less.
- Grow well in pots as well as the ground.