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Stunning Golden Monique Ficus with Wavy Margin and Vibrant Yellow Leaves - Perfect for Your Home or Office

Common name:
Ficus Wavy Margin Yellow Leaves
Shrubs, Trees, Indoor Plants
Moraceae or Fig family
Sun growing, Semi shade, Shade growing
Normal, Can tolerate less, Can tolerate more
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
Flowers are inconspicuous
Foliage color:
Variegated, Yellow, Green
Plant Height or length:
4 to 6 meters
Plant Spread or Width:
2 to 4 meters
Plant Form:
Upright or Erect
Special Character:
  • Good for making bonsai
  • Good for Topiary
  • Good for screening
  • Good for Hedges and Borders
  • Good for Edges ie very small hedge or border
  • Attracts birds
  • Animals will not eat
  • Recommended for creating shade
  • Quick growing trees
  • Evergreen trees
  • Suitable for road median planting
  • Suitable for avenue planting
  • Good on seaside
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Over hundreds

Plant Description:

Ficus benjamina, commonly known as the Weeping Fig or Benjamin Fig, is a popular indoor plant that is native to Australia and Southeast Asia. It is known for its glossy green leaves and graceful, weeping habit. The 'Monique' cultivar is a variety that is known for its golden variegation on the leaves. It is an attractive plant that can add a touch of color and greenery to your home.

Ficus benjamina plants are relatively easy to care for and can adapt to a wide range of indoor environments. They prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate low light conditions. Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry, and fertilize it during the growing season with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Prune the plant to maintain its shape and remove any damaged or diseased leaves as needed. Be careful when handling this plant, as the sap can be irritating to the skin and eyes.

Growing tips:

Here are some tips for caring for your Ficus benjamina 'Monique' Golden plant:

  1. Light: This plant prefers bright, indirect light, but it can tolerate low light conditions. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can cause the leaves to yellow or burn.

  2. Water: Water the plant when the top inch of soil feels dry. Be sure to not over-water, as this can cause the plant to become susceptible to root rot.

  3. Fertilizer: During the growing season (spring through fall), fertilize the plant with a balanced houseplant fertilizer. Follow the instructions on the label for proper dosage.

  4. Pruning: Prune the plant to maintain its shape and remove any damaged or diseased leaves as needed.

  5. Soil: The plant prefers well-draining soil. Use a potting mix specifically designed for indoor plants, or create your own by mixing equal parts peat moss, perlite, and sand.

  6. Temperature: Ficus benjamina 'Monique' Golden plants prefer temperatures between 60 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Avoid placing the plant in a drafty location or exposing it to sudden temperature changes.

  7. Humidity: This plant prefers moderate humidity. If the air in your home is dry, you can increase the humidity around the plant by misting the leaves with water or using a humidifier.

By following these care tips, you can help your Ficus benjamina 'Monique' Golden plant thrive and bring a touch of color and greenery to your home.


Ficus benjamina 'Monique' Golden plants can bring a number of benefits to your home or office. Some of the potential benefits of this plant include:

  1. Improved air quality: Like many indoor plants, Ficus benjamina 'Monique' Golden plants can help to purify the air by removing toxins and increasing oxygen levels.

  2. Stress relief: Studies have shown that plants can have a calming effect and help to reduce stress and anxiety.

  3. Increased productivity: Research has also shown that the presence of plants in the workplace can lead to increased productivity and improved mental function.

  4. Aesthetic appeal: With their glossy green leaves and golden variegation, Ficus benjamina 'Monique' Golden plants add a touch of color and beauty to any space.

  5. Easy care: These plants are relatively easy to care for and can adapt to a wide range of indoor environments, making them a good choice for those who may not have a lot of experience with plants.

By adding a Ficus benjamina 'Monique' Golden plant to your home or office, you can enjoy the many benefits that indoor plants have to offer.