Discover the Beauty of Spotted Alpinia: The Exotic Spotted Ginger Plant
- Common name:
- Spotted Alpinia, Spotted Ginger
- Category:
- Shrubs
- Family:
- Zingiberaceae or Ginger family
- Light:
Semi shade, Shade growing
- Water:
- Normal, Can tolerate more
- Primarily grown for:
- Foliage
- Flowering season:
- Flowers in flushes throughout the year
- Flower or Inflorescence color:
- Pink
- Foliage color:
- Variegated, Green, Brown
- Plant Height or length:
- 50 cms to 100 cms
- Plant Spread or Width:
- 50 cms to 100 cms
- Plant Form:
- Spreading, Upright or Erect
- Special Character:
- Rare Plant or difficult to get plant
- Grows best in humid and warm regions
Plant Description:
- The foliage of this alpinia is striking. Leaves start a deep bronze color and are mottled with brown spots as they mature.
Plants do not have many leaves nor stems.
Plants are very suitable for use in mixed plantings. They are well suited for growing in pots as well. -
Growing tips:
- Requires regular high temperatures and plenty of humidity to grow well. Good rich soil with excellent drainage is recommended. Plant do well both in pot as well as the ground. The leaf size and length in the ground is substantially larger. Direct sunlight should be avoided except in high humidity coastal areas.