Buy the Stunning Carmona Microphylla Aurea (Malphigia Yellow) Plant Today!
- Common name:
- Carmona Aurea. Malphigia Yellow
- Regional name:
- Marathi - Pivla Malphigia
- Category:
Shrubs, Groundcovers
- Family:
- Malpighiaceae or Malphegia family
- Light:
- Sun growing, Semi shade, Shade growing
- Water:
- Normal, Can tolerate less, Can tolerate more
- Primarily grown for:
- Foliage
- Flowering season:
- Year-around flowering, Flowers in flushes throughout the year, Flowers are inconspicuous
- Flower or Inflorescence color:
- White
- Foliage color:
- Yellow, Green
- Plant Height or length:
- 2 to 4 meters
- Plant Spread or Width:
- 1 to 2 meters
- Plant Form:
- Irregular, Spreading, Upright or Erect
- Special Character:
- Auspicious or Feng Shui plant
- Good for making bonsai
- Good for Cut foliage
- Good for Topiary
- Good for Hedges and Borders
- Good for Edges ie very small hedge or border
- Attracts birds
- Attracts butterflies
- Attracts bees
- Suitable for road median planting
- Hanging or weeping growth habit
- Good on seaside
- Generally available in India in quantities of:
- Less than a hundred
Plant Description:
- - The new leaves of this variety are a bright shade of golden. They become green with age.
- A close relative of the Malphigia. Many people still call it by that name in India.
- The leaves are small, irregular and with a waxy shine on the top surface.
- Plants are profusely branched. They branch even more when pruned.
- - Has a long life so plants stay as they are for many many years.
- So extensively used for topiary that it deserved a seperate sheet - please do refer to it. We are inspired by its use.
Growing tips:
- - Growing this plant is as easy as it gets.
- Plant densely - at 20 to 25 cms for quick and even coverage.
- Does not have pest and disease problem.
- Watering is normal.
- Since the plant is long lived prepare the planting medium well.