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Buy Devil's Backbone - Pedilanthus tithymaloides - Redbird Cactus - Christmas Candle Plant Online

Common name:
Devil's Backbone, Japanese Poinsettia, Slipper Spurge, Redbird Cactus, Christmas Candle
Regional name:
Marathi - Pedilanthus

Category :Cacti & Succulents, Shrubs, Groundcovers

Family :Euphorbiaceae or Poinsettia family

Sun growing, Semi shade
Normal, Can tolerate less
Primarily grown for:
Flowering season:
June, July, August, September
Flower or Inflorescence color:
Foliage color:
Plant Height or length:
1 to 2 meters
Plant Spread or Width:
1 to 2 meters
Plant Form:
Spreading, Upright or Erect
Special Character:
  • Good for Hedges and Borders
  • Good for Edges ie very small hedge or border
  • Animals will not eat
  • Poisonous if eaten
Generally available in India in quantities of:
Over hundreds

Plant Description:

- A Shrub, up to 1.4 m high.
- Stem erect, round, thick, green, branched.
- Leaves ovate-lanceolate, up to 12 cm long, leathery fleshy, green, deciduous if without water.

Growing tips:

- These are easy plants to grow.
- Full sun-min 4 hours of sunlight
- Sand in potting mix
- Bone meal good