Sagittaria latifolia,White Swan Plant
- Common name:
- Syngonium Ordinary
Category: Water & Aquatic Plants, Groundcovers
Family: Alismataceae
- Light:
- Semi shade, Shade growing
- Water:
- Normal, Can tolerate more
- Primarily grown for:
- Foliage
- Flowering season:
- Flowers are inconspicuous
- Foliage color:
- Green
- Plant Height or length:
- 2 to 4 meters
- Plant Form:
- Climbing or growing on support
- Special Character:
- Can grow on trellis or chain link fencing
- Generally available in India in quantities of:
- Less than a hundred
Plant Description:
- This is the oldest variety. It has long and spragly growth. Due to this it is used on moss sticks or as a ground cover.
- Syngoniums are native of central and tropical America and the West Indies.
- Leaves arrow shaped on long, straight stem.
- They are versatile shade plants.
- Newer hybrids do not develop a stem quickly and form a clump of leaves in the pots.
- Pots look very full and attractive for indoor and shade decoration.
- Can be used as a groundcover and for mixed plantings. -
Growing tips:
- - Plants prefer humid growing conditions.
- The require water - especially on very hot days.
- They have better leaf color and compact growth in bright light.
- Well draining but moisture retaining media with a lot of organic matter suits them best