Yucca elephantipes marginata,Yucca Marginata
- Common name:
- Yucca Marginata
- Category:
Cacti & Succulents, Indoor Plants, Shrubs
- Family:
- Liliaceae or Lily family
- Light:
- Sun growing, Semi shade
- Water:
- Normal, Can tolerate less
- Primarily grown for:
- Foliage
- Flowering season:
- January, February, December
- Flower or Inflorescence color:
- White
- Foliage color:
- Variegated, Green, Yellow
- Plant Height or length:
- 4 to 6 meters
- Plant Spread or Width:
- 2 to 4 meters
- Plant Form:
- Spreading, Upright or Erect
- Special Character:
- Good for screening
- Good for Hedges and Borders
- Thorny or Spiny
- Suitable for road median planting
- Salt or salinity tolerant
- Good on seaside
- Generally available in India in quantities of:
- Over hundreds
Plant Description:
- - Fast and easy growing tree like yucca with trunk.
- Usually multi stemmed to 15 feet tall or more. Can be kept much sorter.
- The soft tipped 12-18 inch long flexible leaves are pale green with cream colored stripe and small teeth along the margin.
- Large flower apper in late spring or summer on 2-3 feet tall flower stalks.
-A large growing yucca. The leaves are broad and green. The flowers are white and very pretty. The plants flowers once a year. The plants can grow quite large but can be comfortably kept to a height of around 1.5 meters.
- Yucca are succulent plants from the dry regions of the world.
- They have adapted themselves well to conserve water.
- Their formal symmetric shape makes them ideal for use in today's interiors and landscapes.
Growing tips:
- - Very hardy plants. Have problems only if there is low light or excessive moisture.
- Full sunlight to light shade
- Respond well to organic fertilizers.
- Require porous, well drained soils.